Have a look at the following videos and links about friendships:
Agnes was diagnosed with dementia in her fifties. Five years have passed and she is still struggling with her new identity, and the loss of who she once was. We follow Agnes in her quest for renewal and along the way our notions of what it means to have dementia are challenged and given a fresh perspective. A film about friendship and living with dementia.
This video shows us how to make a surprise message card.
Could you make one for someone special?
Friendship and Dementia
One of the key aspects of Alzheimer Scotland’s 5 Pillar Model of Post Diagnostic Support is ‘Supporting Community Connections.’ This involves working closely with people to maintain and build on their existing social networks, to enhance their quality of life and maximise the natural support they receive from those around them, helping to avoiding isolation and reducing future reliance on care services. For more information please visit:
Nothing Left Unsaid
Designed with Care is a shop full of beautiful, thoughtful, evidence-based products for people with dementia, older generations and families and supporters. This pack of 21 cards act as prompts for those conversations with loved ones that leave nothing left unsaid.
Things to Think About
A booklet for your coffee table. Flip the pages, one a day. Explore 32 questions, tips and other stimuli to get you thinking about what matters to you today and in the future. From Designed with Care.