Memory Book

To create your own Memory Book you can use a normal notebook or copy/print the page below multiple times and join them together. You are more likely to remember if things are in boxes, which has informed the layout of the Memory Book. Make sure you clearly label your Memory Book and keep it somewhere it is easy to see. Scroll down for tips of how to use your Memory Book.

Click on the image to download.


How to use your Memory Book

Use a new page each day (you do not have to fill the page).

Fill in the boxes at the top of the page with Day, Date, Month and Year. 

Write down what happened in your day. For example:

  • Activities you carried out

  • Connecting with family and friends (via telephone, email, Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, FaceTime)

  • Doing chores around the house

  • What you ate at mealtimes

  • What is happening in the News

  • Working on a project

  • Relaxation

  • How you have been feeling

Do what works best for you.  Some people prefer to write a line in the morning, afternoon and evening and some people prefer to complete it all at once.

Writing in your Memory Book, may trigger something you need to do – make a ‘To Do’ list at the bottom of the page. Make sure you tick this off when complete or carry it over.

Each day, start by reading over what you wrote the day before.

You can do this yourself.  For some people this is part of an Occupational Therapy post diagnostic intervention in dementia.

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